An extra meeting, nominated as an observing night. Come and use the Societies Telescopes or bring your own if you have one. Bring your binoculars. If it's raining, we'll have a Q & A session!
All are welcome to join us for this, our second, open evening. Inside there will be displays and equipment as well as friendly advice. Weather permitting telescopes will be set up outside for viewing.
Nick Hart - 'A Handful of Stars'.
*CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER* An extra meeting in the form of an observing night. Come and have a look through the societies telescopes or bring your own. A pair of binoculars will suffice! We start at 7:30/8pm.
Buffet and bar and a Quiz against some other local Astronomy Societies. Versus Heart of England and Kidderminster Societies. (There will be a small charge for the buffet - £7). Lets show them that we know our stuff at BAS! Doors open at 7:30pm. Quiz commences 8:00pm. Everyone welcome.
Member Speaker - Rob Januszewski 'Variable Star Observing'.
Come and test your Astronomy knowledge in our Inter Society Quiz Night against the Kidderminster and Heart of England Astronomical Societies. This is the Quiz Night that was postponed due to the weather in December. There will be a Buffet at a cost of £7 per head. Please contact a member of the Committee to … Continue reading February 14, 2011 @ 7:30 pm - Inter Society Quiz Night
Guest Speaker - Sheridan Williams - "Fascinating Facts about Solar Eclipses". Including, Solar Eclipses over Bromsgrove from 1 - 3000AD and a resume of where to go for the next 5 Solar Eclipses. Doors open 7:45pm for a 8pm start. Be sure not to miss this one!
Geoff Mansfield - 'The Antikythera Device'. Doors open at 7:30pm Newcomers welcome.